HOA and Condo Residents Report High Levels of Civic Engagement

There is nothing more local than the democracy practiced in homeowners associations, where leaders are elected by their neighbors. It’s no surprise that 9 out of 10 condominium and homeowners association residents vote in national, state, and local elections, according to the 2020 Homeowner Satisfaction Survey conducted by Zogby Analytics for the Foundation for Community Association Research.
Residents living in homeowners associations tend to be more civic-minded and engaged with community governance. In fact, 2.4 million residents volunteer to serve on community association governing boards or committees, according to the Foundation’s research.
Community association residents are expected to wield significant influence in the Nov. 3 general election. To help residents make sure their voices are heard and their votes are counted, Community Associations Institute launched #CAIvotes. This free resource allows voters to check their registration status, search and find elected officials, learn more about local and state representatives, and request an absentee ballot.
“The 73.9 million Americans living in community associations look to their federal, state, and local policymakers to consider the policy positions important to homeownership, home values, and inspiriting diverse, friendly, healthy, and safe communities,” says Dawn M. Bauman, CAE, executive director of the Foundation and CAI’s senior vice president of government and public affairs. “Whether the issue is financial sustainability, delivery of municipal-like services, energy efficiency disaster assistance, or mail delivery, CAI’s goal is to educate policymakers on the community association model of housing.”
HOAresources.com explores questions and comments from community association members living in condominiums, homeowners associations, and housing cooperatives. We then assemble trusted experts to provide practical solutions to your most commonly asked, timely questions. We never use real names, but we always tackle real issues. Have a question or comment about your community association? Submit here for consideration:
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Amy Repke, Vice President, Communications & Marketing. Amy brings more than 20 years of experience to CAI. Her communications career began in television news where she worked as a producer, writer, and assignment manager for local and network news channels. Amy has been nominated for four Washington Regional Emmy awards for writing and producing. Amy is a graduate of Old Dominion University and received a master's degree in Strategic Public Communications from American University.