Tips to Help Avoid Fraud Attempt

Fraud attempts are a reality, and unfortunately, many of us have experienced–or will–experience them firsthand. The good news? By staying vigilant, we can better protect ourselves and our community associations.
Examples of Common Scams
Steps You Can Take to Avoid Scams
Protecting Electronic Transfers
While transferring funds electronically can streamline and simplify transactions, fraudsters look for ways to use these tools to their benefit. Scam emails may serve as vehicles for malware or computer viruses to gather information such as passwords and user IDs.
These types of fraud attempts may involve sending what appear to be legitimate instructions to complete a wire transfer, allowing the thief to intercept the funds.
If you receive any email or other communication that appears suspicious, be sure to check its authenticity before performing any wire transfers, and:
For more information on protecting your associations from fraud, check out the Federal Trade Commission’s up-to-date online security tips at
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of CIT, a division of First Citizens Bank. For any matters concerning your specific needs and objective, you should seek the professional advice of your own independent legal counsel, insurance advisors or other consultants.
Alan DeTata is president of the community association banking team at First Citizens Bank. Based in Phoenix, DeTata manages sales executives dedicated to serving community management companies and homeowner associations in all 50 states. He also oversees the lending, client services, and boarding and technology functions for the team. Under DeTata’s leadership, community association banking has experienced significant deposit, loan, and revenue growth, and helped management companies across the nation strengthen their businesses. DeTata is a member of CAI’s President’s Club and has served as a board member for several local CAI chapters over the past 10 years.