5 Ways Technology Can Improve Connectivity in Your Community

During these unprecedented times, communication is perhaps more important than ever before. Most people are staying in their homes and distancing from friends, family members, and colleagues. Technology can help make the connections that matter, improve communications, and upgrade association operations in our current environment. Here’s how.
Package Control
Most people turned to online shopping and home deliveries during the pandemic to minimize potential exposure to COVID-19. Having an intelligent and practical package control system for your community is more important than ever to keep your residents safe. With the TownSq app, you can safely manage all of your packages with the push of a button. When a package arrives, residents will receive a notification on their mobile device to let them know it’s ready to be picked up. If there are multiple packages, the TownSq app will keep track of all of them.
Architectural Requests
Community association residents have taken up home projects and renovations during the pandemic, and it can be difficult to communicate and get approval from the board for a project. An architectural review system is a huge help to communities that are trying to evaluate projects. Using this kind of software helps streamline communication between residents and board members.
Document Management
Many things can get lost in translation, especially regarding association governing documents, bylaws, or covenants, conditions, and restrictions. An online document management portal provides residents access to important files and forms relevant to their association. With the opportunity to upload documents and share them with the community, everyone can stay connected at all times and have access to information wherever, whenever.
Community Website
A community website is important to an association’s success because it grants every resident and board member a way to stay up to date with the community. From accessing a calendar of events to checking documents, looking up contact information, or even uploading photos, a community website brings everyone together.
Secure Communication
With the TownSq app, residents and boards have the opportunity to communicate via forums, polls, or requests on a secure platform. This allows maximum security and gives everyone the ability to collaborate with one another while also having the option to remain anonymous.
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Matt Semyck is a digital marketing strategist at TownSq in Dallas. When managing communities with the TownSq app, the future belongs to data-driven innovators. Combining TownSq Business and the TownSq app gives communities the tools to drive decisions based on data intelligence and actionable insights that improve retention and help your team work smarter. www.townsq.io